科研团队 | Research Team

Weiqi HE (何伟奇), Professor

Professor, CAM-SU Genomic Resource Center, Soochow University, 2015-present
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, The University of Chicago, 2012-2015
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, 2010-2012
Ph.D., Genetics, Nanjing University, 2010
Email: whe@suda.edu.cn



A single layer of epithelial cells lines the inner surface of the intestine. These cells form a barrier which can exclude external agents from entering the internal environment of the body and inducing inflammation. Epithelial survival and mucosal barrier function are central to the pathogenesis of intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We usebiochemical, molecular, cell biological and physiologic approaches to understand the microenvironmental regulation of epithelial cell in intestinal homeostasis.The major goal of our research is to elucidate the mechanism regulating epithelial survival and barrier function.

Zhihui Jiang Graduate
Email: 779149745@qq.com
Huashan Li Graduate
Email: 1053747255@qq.com
Jia Wu Graduate
Email: 1830351046@qq.com
Shaofang Xu Graduate
Email: 1105732825@qq.com
Jianying Sheng Graduate
Email: 2091179397@qq.com
Banruo Li Graduate
Email: 1906224406@qq.com

1. Chen CP, Chen X, Qiao YN, Wang P, He WQ, Zhang CH, Zhao W, Gao YQ, Chen C, Tao T, Sun J, Wang Y, Gao N, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Zhu MS. In vivo roles for myosin phosphatase targeting subunit-1 phosphorylationsites T694 and T852 in bladder smooth muscle contraction. J. Physiol. 2015:593(3):681-700.

2. Qiao YN#, He WQ#, Chen CP, Zhang CH, Zhao W,Wang P, Zhang L, Wu YZ, Yang X, Peng YJ, Gao JM, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Zhu MS. MYPT1 Regulates the Contraction and Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscle and Maintains Blood Pressure. J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 289(32):22512-23.

3. Tsai MH, Chang AN, Huang J, He WQ, Sweeney HL, Zhu MS, Kamm KE, Stull JT. Constitutive phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit-1 in smooth muscle. J. Physiol. 2014, 592(Pt 14):3031-51.

4. He WQ, Qiao YN, Peng YJ, Zha JM, Zhang CH, Chen C, Chen CP, Wang P,Yang X, Li CJ, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Zhu MS. Altered Contractile Phenotypes of Intestinal Smooth Muscle in Mice Deficient in Myosin Phosphatase Target Subunit1. Gastroenterology 2013, 144(7):1456-65.

5. Gao N, Huang J, He WQ, Zhu MS, Kamm KE, Stull JT. Signaling through Myosin Light Chain Kinase in Smooth Muscles. J. Biol. Chem. 2013, 288(11):7596-605.

6. He WQ, Qiao YN, Zhang CH, Peng YJ, Chen C, Wang P, Gao YQ, Chen CP, Chen X, Tao T, Su XH, Li CJ, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Zhu MS.  Role of myosin light chain kinase in regulation of basal blood pressure and maintenance of salt-induced hypertension. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 2011, 301(2):H584-591.

7. Peng YJ#, He WQ#, Tang J, Tao T,Chen C, Gao YQ, Zhang WC, He XY, Dai YY, Zhu NC, Lv N, Zhang CH, Qiao YN, Zhao LP, Gao X, Zhu MS. Trio is a key GEF coordinating regulation of the migration and morphogenesis of granule cells inthe developing cerebellum. J. Biol. Chem. 2010; 285(3):24834-24844.

8. He WQ, Peng YJ, Zhang WC, Lv N, Tang J, Chen C, Zhang CH, Gao S, Chen HQ, Zhi G, Feil R, Kamm KE, Stull JT, Gao X, Zhu MS. Myosin light chain kinase is central to smooth muscle contraction and required for gastrointestinal motility in mice. Gastroenterology 2008; 135(2):610-620.


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