科研团队 | Research Team

Yong ZHANG (张勇), Distinguished Professor

Work Experience

Distinguished Professor, Director of  CAM-SU Genomic Resource Center, Soochow University, 2023-Present

Distinguished Professor, Vice Director of  CAM-SU Genomic Resource Center, Soochow University, 2021-2023

Associate Professor, University of Nevada Reno, 2020-2021

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada Reno, 2015-2020

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2008-2014

Ph.D., Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003-2008

B.S., Biology, Shandong Normal University, 1999-2003


Research Interests

Yong's lab focus on studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying circadian clocks and physiological outputs.


Selected Publications

1. Xue, Y., Chiu, JC., Zhang, Y (2019) Sur-8 interacts with PP1-87B to stabilize PERIOD and regulate circadian rhythms in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics. 15(11): e1008475
2. Liu, Z., … Zhang, Y (2019) Splice variants of DOMINO control Drosophila circadian behavior and pacemaker neuron maintenance. PLoS Genetics. 15(10): e1008474
3. Niu, Y., … Zhang, Y (2019) miR-210 controls the evening phase of circadian locomotor rhythms through repression of Fasciclin 2. PLoS Genetics. 15(7): e1007655
4. Chen, WF.,… Zhang, Y (2018) The auxin-inducible degradation system enables conditional PERIOD protein depletion in the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. FEBS Journal.  285(23) 4378-4393
5. Regalado, JM., … Zhang, Y (2017) Increased food intake after starvation enhances sleep in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 44(6) 319-326.  
6. Zhang, Y., Emery, P (2016) miR-124 regulates the phase of Drosophila circadian locomotor behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(6):2007–2013
7. Lamba, P.,… Zhang, Y (2014) Morning and evening oscillators cooperate to reset circadian behavior in response to light input. Cell Reports. 7(3):601-608
8. Zhang, Y., Ling, JL., … Emery, P (2013)  A role for Drosophila ATX2 in activation of PER translation and circadian behavior. Science. 340(6134):879-882
9. Karpowicz, P., Zhang, Y., ... Perrimon, N (2013)  The circadian clock gates the intestinal stem cell regenerative state. Cell Reports. 3(4):996-1004
10. Zhang, Y., and Emery, P (2013)  GW182 controls Drosophila circadian behavior and PDF-receptor signaling. Neuron. 78(1):152–165
11. Zhang, Y., Emery, P (2010)  Light and temperature control the contribution of specific DN1 neurons to Drosophila circadian behavior. Current Biology. 20(7):600–605

Reviews and Book Chapters:

1. Werdann, M., and Zhang, Y (2020) Circadian rhythm and neurodegenerative disorders. Brain Science Advances. 6(2):71-80

2. Xue, Y., and Zhang, Y (2018) Emerging roles for microRNA in the regulation of Drosophila circadian clock. BMC Neurosci. 19(1)

3. Zhang, Y.,Yan W (2016) Fat dad, fat kids: sperm small RNAs in control! Science Bulletin 61-428-429

4. Zhang, Y., and Emery, P (2012)  Molecular and neural control of insect circadian rhythms.  Insect molecular biology and biochemistry. 513–551, Academic Press



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