科研团队 | Research Team

Zhihao JIA (贾志浩), Associate Professor



联络电话:      13583223350

电子邮箱:      jia81@purdue.edu/zhjia@suda.edu.cn

Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o8x6yUgAAAAJ&hl=en

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/AAB-5940-2019/

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5525-2721


2013/09 ~ 2018/08       中国科学院大学,海洋生物学,理学博士学位。

2009/09 ~ 2013/06       中山大学,生物科学,科学学士学位。


2021/11 ~            苏州大学,特聘副教授。

2018/07 ~ 2021/09       美国,普渡大学西拉法叶校区, 博士后研究员。

2016/10 ~ 2018/06       美国,普渡大学西拉法叶校区,访问学者。 


本人长期研究兴趣为骨骼肌和脂肪细胞中蛋白质精氨酸甲基转移酶及其底物在脂肪及肌肉发育和代谢中的作用。近五年在ElifeAdvanced ScienceClinical and Translational MedicineMolecular TherapyBioactive materialsEBioMedicine等杂志发表SCI论文60篇,第一作者文章13篇。






2019 -





Editorial Board, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

2019 -

Editorial Board, Frontiers in Immunology

2020 -

2020 –

2020 –

2020 -

Editorial Board, Frontiers in Genetics

Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physiology

Guest Associate Editor, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

美国心脏协会(AHA) 会员


  1. 蛋白质精氨酸甲基化参与调控脂肪发育以及肌肉发育、代谢及肌肉干细胞再生的研究。
  2. 筛选新型精氨酸甲基转移酶特异性抑制剂。
  3. 设计并构建靶向药物递送系统 (例如nanoparticle-based drug delivery methods),特异性地将药物递送至脂肪细胞,开展抗肥胖及抗糖尿病功能的研究。
  4. 利用转基因小鼠模型研究生物节律调控肌肉脂肪代谢。
  5. 筛选特异响应肥胖、糖尿病和衰老的基因,利用转基因小鼠研究其功能。
  6. 探究不同地域生物的脂肪储存和产热代谢机制进化。


作为Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology》,《Frontiers in Immunology》,《Frontiers in Genetics》,《Frontiers in Physiology》,《Frontiers in Oncology》,《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》,《Cell division》,《Fish & shellfish immunology》以及《3Biotech》审稿人。作为《Frontiers In Endocrinology》、《Frontiers in Physiology》和Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity的编辑。


      1. Prmt5调控白色脂肪细胞脂合成代谢性别差异的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022.01-2024.12,30万,主持

      2. 短链脂肪酸通过诱导脂肪细胞自噬促进肥胖发生的研究,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2021.07-2024.06,20万,主持



  1. Zhimin Ma#, Zhengyun Huang#, Chi Zhang#, Xiangpeng Liu, Jie Zhang, Hui Shu, Yue Ma, Zhiwei Liu, Yu Feng, Xiyue Chen, Shihuan Kuang, Yong Zhang, Zhihao Jia*. Hepatic Acat2 overexpression promotes systemic cholesterol metabolism and adipose lipid metabolism. Diabetologia, 2022 accepted.  IF=10.46
  2. Zhihao Jia#, Feng Yue#, Xiyue Chen, Naagarajan Narayanan, Jiamin Qiu, Sabriya A. Syed, Anthony N. Imbalzano, Meng Deng, Peng Yu, Changdeng Hu, and Shihuan Kuang*. Protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 regulates fatty acid metabolism and lipid droplet biogenesis in white adipose tissues. Advanced Science, 2020. IF=16.8
  3. Zhihao Jia#, Yaohui Nie#, Feng Yue, Yifan Kong, Lijie Gu, Timothy Gavin, Xiaoqi Liu and Shihuan Kuang*. A requirement of Polo-like kinase 1 in murine embryonic myogenesis and adult muscle regeneration. eLife 8, 2019, e47097. IF=8.13
  4. Zhihao Jia*, Feng Yue, Xiyue Chen, Nanjian Luo, Stephanie N. Oprescu, Jingjuan Chen, Yan Xiong, and Shihuan Kuang*. ACSS3 in brown fat drives propionate catabolism and its deficiency leads to autophagy and systemic metabolic dysfunction. 2022. Clinical and Translational Medicine. IF=11.49
  5. Zhihao Jia, Shuai Jiang, Mengqiang Wang, Xiudan Wang, Yu Liu, Xiaorui Song, Yiqun Li, Lingling Wang, Linsheng Song*. Identification of a Novel Pattern Recognition Receptor DM9 Domain Containing Protein 4 as a Marker for Pro-Hemocyte of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021. IF=7.6
  6. Feng Yue, Changyou Song, Di Huang, Naagarajan Narayanan, Jiamin Qiu, Zhihao Jia, Zhengrong Yuan, Stephanie N Oprescu, Bruno T Roseguini, Meng Deng, Shihuan Kuang *. PTEN Inhibition Ameliorates Muscle Degeneration and Improves Muscle Function in a Mouse Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Molecular Therapy, 2020. IF=11.5
  7. Naagarajan Narayanan, Zhihao Jia, Kun Ho Kim, Liangju Kuang, Paul Lengemann, Gabrielle Shafer, Victor Bernal-Crespo, Shihuan Kuang, Meng Deng. Biomimetic Glycosaminoglycan-based Scaffolds Improve Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in a Murine Volumetric Muscle Loss Model. Accepted by Bioactive Materials. IF=14.5
  8. Xiyue Chen#, Zhihao Jia#, Shuyi Fan, Jun Wan and Shihuan Kuang*. RNA-seq and Mass-Spectrometry-Based Lipidomics reveal a role of PRMT5 in regulating lipid Metabolism. 2021, Submitted to Cell Reports.
  9. Yan Xiong, Feng Yue, Zhihao Jia, Yun Gao, Wen Jin, Keping Hu, Yong Zhang, Dahai Zhu, Gongshe Yang*, Shihuan Kuang*. A novel brown adipocyte-enriched long non-coding RNA that is required for brown adipocyte differentiation and sufficient to drive thermogenic gene program in white adipocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2018, 1863:409-419. IF=4.519
  10. Yan Xiong, Jessica C Page, Naagarajan Narayanan, Chao Wang, Zhihao Jia, Feng Yue, Xine Shi, Wen Jin, Keping Hu, Meng Deng, Riyi Shi, Tizhong Shan, Gongshe Yang, Shihuan Kuang*. Peripheral neuropathy and hindlimb paralysis in a mouse model of adipocyte-specific knockout of Lkb1. EBioMedicine, 2017, 24:127-136. IF=5.736
  11. Di Huang, Naagarajan Narayanan, Mario A Cano-Vega, Zhihao Jia, Kolapo M Ajuwon, Shihuan Kuang*, Meng Deng*. Nanoparticle-mediated inhibition of Notch signaling promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and reduces subcutaneous adipose tissue expansion in pigs. iScience, 2020,23:101167. IF= 4.447


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